We have a variety of animals on our croft - many of them rare breeds.
In fact our animals have been an inspiration for a children's story book. You can find details here.
Our animals include:
a Red Deer hind - she is in fact wild, but since we started feeding her she has become quite tame.
She is often seen in the field in front of the lodges.
This is one of our young cows:
We also have sheep, including this tup (or ram):
Mind you, our calves can be the most cute:
If you would like to book or have a question to ask us, just get in touch.
We also breed poultry which is often seen around the croft.
This includes our Nankin Hens:
Our Nankin rooster:
One of our lavender pekin hens:
There is even a peacock:
And our dog, Queen, tries to keep them all in order: